Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Collections -Part 2

I had heard about Tommy Lane thimbles. From what everyone had said, I just had to have one. There on the left is my TL thimble that I got at one of our annual quilt shows. It is silver and the lady fitted it for my finger. But the truth be told, I'm not all that crazy about it. It is very thick and feels heavy on my finger. My fingers swells a little when I am hand quilting. Because of the thickness of this thimble, it suddenly feels too short and keeps falling off my finger.

Second from the right is a thimble my husband bought for me as part of a Christmas present. It too is silver. It is the correct size, fits nicely and is great for when my nail gets long. But, I just can't seem to get the hang of it. That open finger thing is just weird.

So, you might ask, what thimble do I use when hand quilting? I am afraid to ruin my first silver thimble, I have put holes in all my Mom's brass thimbles that leaves the one on the right. It is a cheap, run of the mill, bought in Joann's when it was on sale, totally replaceable, did I mention cheap thimble. Yup, as Goldilocks said, it is just right.

Oh, and I found the closeup button on the camera. It's amazing what you learn when you read the instructions.

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