Saturday, May 30, 2009
Fabric Postcards
I've made some new postcards for my etsy shop. But first I have to figure out how to take a decent photo that doesn't make the card look crooked. They are perfectly square. or, um, rectangular but I can't seem to get them to come out that way.

Thursday, May 28, 2009
More Blocks
June's Sunshine Quilters hostess is Bingo Bonnie. She is requesting some string blocks with red centers. She will be donating these to the Heartstrings Quilt Project.

I have joined another swap. This one is called The Four Seasons Quilt Swap Summer Block Swap.
Boy that was a mouthful. You will make a total of 40 blocks (20 mailed before July 15, and the other 20 by August 15.) You pick whatever color you want and what you will get back is an assortment of colors. The block seems easy enough for anyone to make correctly, so it should make a happy type quilt.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I have been making miscellaneous blocks to complete my obligations. The last of the Birthday Block Swap is for Brandy in Texas. She requested a 12" log cabin in blue and pink.
I also made two blocks for Kathleen of the Sunshine Quilters. She requested a 12" Friendship Star block made with novelty prints for a boy or girl. I swore I would never make another one of these blocks, but here they are.
These blocks are perfectly square but somehow my photos always make them look cock-eyed. Does anyone have any tips on how to correct this?
I have also completed blocks for the June Block Lotto, but I can't show them until June 1.
Our anniversary trip has been cancelled due to rain, rain and more rain.

Monday, May 25, 2009
Friends for Christmas
Block 6 - The Sleigh. I had a perfectly good reason for skipping over block 5 and making block 6 first, but I'll be darned if I can remember what it was.

Sunday, May 24, 2009
String Blocks
I have been working on several projects, none of which are ready to be shown. But in between, I will make anywhere from 4 to 12 string blocks at a time. I now have 2 sets of 48 blocks. I may put them together myself or I might just send them to another Heartstrings member for completion.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Rainbow Block Swap
Remember this swap I blogged about back in March? My swap package has arrived and it has some pretty nice blocks.
That purple one looks a bit smaller than the rest but that's OK because I haven't figured out what to do with them yet anyway. Suggestions are welcome.
The swap host was most generous with her updates and she included a surprise gift. Aren't these the cutest? The colors and workmanship are terrific. Thank you Jane.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Block Lotto for May
May's Block Lotto blocks is called Cactus Pot. I have only made 4 this month but there are lots of others. The colors are fantastic and whoever wins will sure be one lucky quilter. Why don't you join us this month.

Saturday, May 16, 2009
New at the Shop
I've been on a postcard binge the last few days. Someone told me that anything with kitties seem to sell quickly. Let's see if that's true.

Friday, May 15, 2009
New in the Shop
I just listed 3 new postcards in my etsy shop. They are just in time for Father's Day. I am hoping to add a few additional new designs in the next few days.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Alli makes another block
Alli visited me on Saturday. She said she wanted to make another block. Because we made a block with our hands the last time, she had the bright idea to make one with our feet. I told her that was a stinky idea, but she did not get the pun. So her next idea was to make hearts. I didn't give her too much guidance and let her do her own thing. Again she chose her own colors, drew the hearts, ironed on the fusible and designed the layout. I also tried to talk her out of using the sparkly stuff for the background (it's like ironing rubber) but she insisted.

I guess I'll have to chop off the bottom of the block.
I guess I'll have to chop off the bottom of the block.

Monday, May 11, 2009
Strips, Strings & Someone else's leftover
I got a package on Saturday.
It was from the very generous Vicki W of Field Trip in Fiber fame.
I was kind of afraid to remove the contents as I knew I would never get all those strips and stings back in the box, but I did want to see what was inside. Not only did she send me tons of strips but she also included two handmade pot holders.
The colors were wonderful and such a large variety, that I just had to put my other zillion projects aside and make some string blocks. So far I have made 8, and I will probably make a few more before the day is over.

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Friends for Christmas
Block 3 - The Tree. The tree is not complete as it spills over into the adjoining block. I have also run out of eyes.

Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Friends for Christmas
Block 2 - 3 Friends, too cute! I'm loving it but I can't start block 3 just yet. I have a May Birthday block to get done.

Friday, May 1, 2009
Friends for Christmas
Block 1 - Flying Santa. I really wanted to use needle turn applique for this quilt, but I know it will never get finished if I do. So I chose to use fusible web and a machine button hole stitch. Even though I love Lynette's colors scheme, I decided to use slightly brighter colors. One of these days I'll make another one (nothing like planning ahead) in crazy bright colors. This is a rather long block (42" wide). I couldn't find a way to take a picture, so here it is laid out on my ironing board.
His beard posed a bit of a problem because you could see through any white fabric that I had. I used a piece of fusible interfacing on the back of a swirly white on white, but you could still see through it. I added another, then another for a total of 3 layers of fusible interfacing on the back of the beard and mustache. If I had thought of it sooner, I think a piece of felted wool would have been a better choice.

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