I discoved a block lotto over at the about.com site. I thought maybe if I win some blocks I could make a charity quilt a lot quicker. The rules say I have to post a picture of the blocks so here they are........................

Cute block isn't it?
I was kind of busy yesterday working on these heart blocks and I finished the Roman Stripe I started earlier.

I am fast approaching the 100 blog post mark. I am thinking I might have a contest. No, not just another "post a comment and win a prize" kind of giveaway but a real contest. You make a block for one of my charity quilts, I will post pictures, you vote, winner gets a prize , kind of contest. What do you think? Are there enough of you out there reading this blog who might be interested? Please let me know if you think this is a good idea or not.

Good idea with the lotto blocks, and your hearts look great.
The Roman Stipe turned out great too. Good job.
Won't be able to join in on the contest, but look forward to seeing the blocks. :)
I think this is a great way to celebrate your blogging and I'd make a block for your charity quilts!!! I don't care much about trying to win a prize or anything but it would be fun to see everyone's blocks posted!
I hope others speak up and you do this sort of contest. It would be fun! and for a great cause!
Just post the requirements... size, colors that sort of thing... and deadline...
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
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