Do you collect things? I mean besides fabric. I have had several collections over the course of many years some with good results, some not. There was a time when I collected US mint postage. My family never noticed the US or the mint part of the phrase and only heard postage. So I was always getting foreign, used postage stamps from my family because they were "nice lookingstamps".
Among other things there was my miniture bulldogs. I had a real live bulldog at the time and started collecting itty bitty ones that were not to be bigger than an inch tall. My Mom never quite got the gist of it and kept buying my great big , bigger than my head big, weighing 5 pounds or more big, bulldogs. I stopped collecting them too.
But for some reason, no one ever remembers that I collect thimbles, any kind really, even ones that are not usable. Here is my thimble case (sorry about the flash). As you see, there aren't that many thimbles but then you don't see souvenir thimbles much anymore. My case also has a few of my littlest bulldogs, an antique button hook, some antique silk thread, and a sterling silver bodkin.

About ten years ago, a lady I worked with's mother had died. The lady knew I did a lot of sewing so she gave me her mothers sewing box. It was a large metal candy box which appears to be from the 1940's. There was some really fun old stuff in there including the sterling silver bodkin, and this very small brass thimble. It looks like it is meant for a child and my 5 year old grand daughter has claimed it for her own. That is the thimble on the right. On the left is my first sterling silver thimble. I really did use it when hand quilting but I was afraid I would put a hole in it from overuse so I started using the brass thimble next to it. That is one of my Mom's from the 40's. I really like that thimble the best for quilting because it has deep dimples. Sadly, I put two holes in it and I cannot find another "just right" thimble.

Tune in tomorrow and maybe I will show you some more photos, that is if I can figure out how to take a close up without it being so blurry.